Collection: Right-Brained Math Books

Most traditional math resources (designed for left brain learners) are sequential, detailed, repetitive and often textually plain or black and white. Children who learn differently are left behind, including children who see the whole picture rather than small pieces and who respond to color, patterns, or pictures. Children who are right brain learners, who are absolutely capable of learning, often struggle to learn math skills.

The Right-Brained Math Series meets the needs of the visual spatial learner, kinesthetic/tactile learner, right brain learner, or other children with unique learning needs who do not understand traditional math approaches.

With Right-Brained Math your child will:

  • Understand numbers and math procedures
  • Learn via visuals & stories
  • Enjoy hands-on activities
  • Work from learning strengths

    When children have resources that are designed for their learning strengths, they will succeed.