Strategies for Right-Brained Learners

How to Teach Right-Brained Learners

Right-brained children learn differently from left-brained children. The more we understand how right-brained children learn, the easier it will be to create lessons that reach both left-and right-brained learners. This blog post will provide tips for creating a right-brained lesson and will give you an example of left-brained content made right-brained friendly. The lesson is free to download and use!

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How to Teach Phonics: Make the Biggest Impact in 30 Minutes a Day

Children who have trouble learning phonics also struggle with reading. With time at a premium, I decided to meet the challenge of struggling readers by dedicating 30 minutes every day for teaching phonics. Here is how you can teach phonics to your whole class in 30 minutes a day and reach those who are lagging behind.

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