Your child can learn. Now there’s a way to teach them

Your child can learn. Now there’s a way to teach them.

Children don’t all learn in the same way, so a one-size-fits-all approach leaves many of them behind. For children to succeed, it is essential to match learning resources to their natural wiring; to the way they learn most easily. When this match fails to occur, learning is difficult, and the result is often failure and discouragement.

Child1st pioneered the movement of designing learning experiences that combine all the elements children need in order to successfully learn. For decades, our resources have broadened the reach of traditional curricula, providing a path to success for all learners.

What this means for parents: Now you can support your child at home using resources they love. Learning will be rapid and permanent.

What this means for teachers: Now you can level the learning field for all your students. You can teach once and reach them all.

Who it’s for: Child1st resources are essential for beginners through age 7, for visual-spatial or kinesthetic learners. For children who have been identified with learning differences: dyslexia, autism, Asperger’s, auditory processing disorder, Down Syndrome, ADHD, ADD, and more. What all these learners share is that they learn most easily when images and body movements are fully integrated in their resources. Ultimately, our resources work for all children.