Right-Brained Math Explained

Make Math Kid-Friendly

Children who excel in math tend to be those who think in words and symbols, who enjoy step-by-step instructions, who can memorize and remember with ease. This means they can memorize procedures for solving problems, and don’t necessarily need to understand fully what is happening behind the scenes in a math problem. We call these children auditory/sequential processors.

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But children are neurodiverse: they have varying processing dominances. What works just fine for auditory/sequential children won’t work very well for visual/spatial and kinesthetic processors. Because math is abstract and symbol-heavy, children who are visual/spatial processors thrive when they have access to an approach that expresses the meaning of symbols and procedures in ways they can easily grasp. This means an approach that relies on images, story, patterns, and hands-on activities, transforming learning math skills into a process that makes sense to them. It also means showing them clearly what is happening when we solve a problem. They need to understand the action if they are to remember how to solve the problem.

Visual/spatial dominant kids can now bypass the many fruitless attempts to memorize facts and procedures and go straight to understanding math concepts and using them successfully. Right-Brained Math is actually a whole-brain approach that utilizes all the right-brain elements that come naturally to visual/spatial and kinesthetic dominant kids. Reach for our resources and experience the difference!

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