Hands On Learning

Make a Mondrian Matching Game

It’s a good idea to introduce kids to famous, and perhaps even not-so-famous, artists at an early age so they can begin to lay a foundation for future learning. A great artist to start with is Mondrian because of his use of simple lines and primary colors.

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Build a Pinecone Bird Buffet

Summer is a time for fun and adventure, but it can be a struggle to find ways to keep your children from becoming bored. Beyond that, many parents worry about learning loss and desire to find ways to incorporate an educational component into their summer fun. Look no further!

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Groundhogs & Hands-On Learning: A Study of Two Shadows

It is time to step out of the box and approach learning in a whole new light, which is what past generations knew all along…the tremendous value of learning skills through hands-on applications.  Aristotle understood the intrinsic value when he said, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

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Homes for Birds Week: A Flight of Feathered Fun

While the snow may still be falling and spring seems far away, our feathered friends are preparing to build their nests and raise a family. This is where you can help promote and enhance biodiversity by setting up nesting boxes while incorporating hands-on learning students are sure to enjoy!

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